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  • Writer's pictureMillie Kelly


Judith Harington organised "Plastics and you, an interactive day in our Student Union. I took part, displaying my sustainable clothing.


I set up my stall, with images of my work and a mannequin with one of the OVERALL's.

These are the images I had on my stall. As my designs are very theory based, I felt it important to have TED’s sustainable design strategies. Some of these I have tried to incorporate into my design work: minimising waste, recycling, ethical production, models from history, replacing the need to consume and activism.

When discussing my work I explained how I used this aims within my own design process.

I also showed this image of me wearing the Rational Dress Society’s jumpsuit that I made and worn for a month. This shows the beginning of the development of my final collection garments.

From the research gathered while wearing the jumpsuit, I developed the OVERALL. This garment can transform from trousers, into a skirt, pinafore or dungarees. With the outfit on the mannequin, and this image of how it transforms, it helped passer-by's understand my designs.

Here’s me in the Student Union with my stall.

Overall, it was interesting to be part of someone else’s organised day. It was great to be with Chantelle and Chloe showing off their eco-conscious items. There were students who came over from city college with their tutor, Sarah. Sarah was really impressed and asked us if we would do it again at the city college or perhaps there to be workshops. I suggested that once I graduate I would be more than happy to create a workshop - a DIY upcycling clothes. It is good to have things for after uni that I could pursue.

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